Google Account FAQs

Google Account FAQs

What is G-Suite?

Darul Qasim currently uses G-Suite (also called Google Apps or simply Google) as our collaboration platform of choice. Your new email account will have the domain @quest.darulqasim.org.

I used my personal email to sign up on MyQuest, but I can’t use it anymore? What happened?

As part of your student provisioning, a new Darul Qasim email account will be created for you. Your new Darul Qasim email will replace the personal email you used to register or apply. Once you are provisioned, you must login using your Darul Qasim email account. Your personal email will be retained as a secondary email for account recovery purposes.

How will I be notified of my new Darul Qasim email account?

You should receive an email with steps to access your registration. If you don’t see that email, check your Spam folder. If it isn’t there either, email the registrar’s office at registrar@darulqasim.org.

Can’t I just use my personal email account?

All students are required to use their Darul Qasim-issued email account for all Darul Qasim purposes. If you don’t access this account, you risk missing important notifications/announcements that can in turn have a critical impact on your ability to attend classes and fulfill your academic obligations.

Why do I need an official Darul Qasim email account?

An email account that is on the Darul Qasim domain lets us enforce our policies and practices with some degree of uniformity and consistency. Furthermore, our security and access control conventions make it easy for teachers to share information and collaborate with students without having to leave the bounds of an integrated Darul Qasim experience.

I forgot my email account password. What do I do?

If you can’t login to your email account and can’t figure out a way to reset your password, email ithelp@darulqasim.org.

When do I receive a @quest.darulqasim.org e-mail account?

Once you have processed your tuition, The Office of the Registrar will notify IT Support to create your new email account

How will I be notified of my e-mail account?

You will receive an email in your personal inbox with steps to access your new email account. If you don’t see the email, check your Spam folder. If it isn’t there either, email the Registrar’s office at registrar@darulqasim.org.

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