How can I access Canvas
Canvas access is currently available only to those who are registered for the current term. You will need a Darul Qasim account to login to Canvas.
Visit and login using your Darul Qasim credentials. E.g. your account.
I am new to Canvas. Is there a tutorial?
Every student should have access to a course entitled Passport to Canvas (Canvas Student Orientation). You can get to this course from your Canvas Dashboard. Depending on your prior knowledge of Canvas, you may choose to take whichever modules are applicable. We recommend taking the whole course to make you a productive user.
I can’t login to Canvas
Your registration may have been processed recently. Your Canvas account will be provisioned through a nightly batch process. Please check back the following day.
I forgot my Darul Qasim account password
E-mail and request a password reset.
How can I access class recordings
Login to Canvas (
Click into your course
Click Big Blue Button on the left-hand menu
Under Concluded Conferences, click the conference link, then the presentation link under it, as shown below
Class recordings are only retained for 14 days. Please watch then in time to catch up.